Content Marketing

Health & Fitness Benchmark Report: Campaign Data, Trends, and Insights

health and fitness report

More than ever before, health & fitness consumers have options at their disposal to take their wellbeings into their own hands––literally. With apps, start-ups, and all types of digital resources, consumers have more ownership over their health and fitness, both physically and mentally.

And now, as we find ourselves all in the midst of a global pandemic, the health industry is changing even more, and the wants, needs, and priorities of consumers are changing along with it.

Connecting with consumers may mean spending an extra hour or two in the marketing training room.

We flexed the numbers and found the best opportunities––areas with low supply and high demand––for health & fitness marketers to get their campaigns in shape.

We define supply by percentage of spend on a type of content across the Taboola network and demand as click-through-rate (CTR).

Now, let’s get into the data.

Best Content Types For Health & Fitness Creatives

The best content types––videos, articles, photos––vary by country. In the industry, there’s a large supply of text-based content, but it’s not being met with as much demand as other content types. The largest opportunity for health & fitness marketers is actually found in campaigns with photo gallery landing pages, where demand is high without the supply available to meet it.

Creative Best Practices for Health & Fitness Marketers

In the Health & Fitness Benchmark Report, you’ll find an in-depth look at all of the best practices for building successful video and sponsored content campaign creatives.

Here are just a handful of the image trends that are proven to increase the success of health & fitness marketing creatives. Including

Download the full report for a look at more image recommendations such as color vs. black & white, including food vs. leaving food out, and more.

Our sponsored content recommendations also take a look at the trending headline keywords to increase click-through rates.

Here are some examples of high performing headlines based on the keywords:

  • Eight Surprising Sources Of Vitamin C
  • Ditch The Gym Membership With These At-Home Workouts
  • Don’t Leave For An Outdoor Run Without These Six Things

Time of Year Opportunities

For health & fitness marketers, certain times of year hold more opportunity than others. Here’s when we recommend increasing your content discovery budget:

Competitive KPIs in Health & Fitness Marketing

Lastly, we took a look at the health & fitness campaigns across our network and pulled out the KPIs we saw being targeted the most frequently:

More Where That Came From…

Download the full Health & Fitness Benchmark Report for insights on:

  • Targeting audiences efficiently
  • Opportunities around device targeting (for desktop, mobile and tablet)
  • Recommendations for site targeting
  • Data-backed tips on the best times of day and days of the week to reach audiences
  • …and much more.

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