Native Advertising

New Study: Native Video Increases Awareness, Favorability, and Engagement

Native advertising and video content are powerful — but combined, they’re proven to increase brand metrics across the board.

That’s the big takeaway from a new study conducted by Kantar, the world’s leading data, insights, and consulting company.

Kantar Context Lab manufactured a simulation of a branding video ad campaign that ran across a mix of media channels including social media platforms, a video sharing platform, and Taboola’s native ad platform. Kantar then gauged how those ads impacted metrics for US adults over 18.

Here’s a closer look at how native video advertising with Taboola can positively impact your brand marketing mix.

1. Brand awareness improved by 26% when adding native video ads to the marketing mix

Adding Taboola video ads to brand awareness campaigns drove a 26% uplift in this key metric.

This was true across three different types of brand awareness:

  • Top-of mind brand awareness: Does the brand come to mind first when thinking of companies in its category?
  • Total unaided awareness: Does the brand come to mind at all when thinking of companies in its category?
  • Online ad awareness: Does the participant recall seeing the ad online?

In every instance, awareness increased when participants were exposed to native video ads. In fact, when people were exposed to Taboola video ads three times, 33% displayed top-of-mind awareness — compared to just 14% of the control group.


Source: Kantar Context Lab: Impact of campaign exposure on Taboola and other platforms on Awareness metrics

2. Native video ads boosted favorability, consideration, and brand image

Native video ads had a stronger impact on favorability, consideration, and brand image compared to video ads on social and streaming platforms.

For this part of the study, participants were asked:

  • whether they love the brand
  • whether the brand meets their needs better than others
  • whether they consider the brand to be different from other brands

In every instance, participants who were exposed to Taboola video ads responded more favorably than participants who were exposed to social or video platform ads. For example, 59% of those who saw native video ads expressed brand favorability, compared to just 50% of those who saw social platform ads.

Source: Kantar Context Lab: Impact of campaign exposure on Taboola and other platforms on Brand metrics

3. Multi-channel campaigns with native video ads increased engagement

Multi-channel campaigns that included native video ads drove more engagement than campaigns that served viewers the same video multiple times on the same platform.

In fact, when exposed to multi-channel ads, people viewed a larger percentage of the ad on social and streaming platforms. So exposure on native platforms helped boost engagement on other channels.

For example, in single-channel social campaigns, people viewed just 51% of the ad. In campaigns that included social ads and native ads, this number jumped to 58%. Going further, more participants watched the whole ad in both the social and streaming platform after also being exposed to native ads. And more viewers enabled audio on the social platform after they were exposed to native ads.

Source: Kantar Context Lab: Change in viewers’ interaction when Taboola is added to the media mix

Native video ads in action: Sony Pictures Entertainment

Need a real-life example of how these numbers work? Let’s look at a case study of a brand that tapped into native video ads to meet their business goals.

Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) Thailand wanted to promote movie trailers and increase ticket sales for three upcoming movies: Spider-Man, Venom, and Goosebumps. The company started with a single-channel strategy that used social media videos.

Learn more on the latest best practices for video creative strategy.

While they saw decent results, they wanted more impact. So the team worked with Taboola to add native video to their marketing mix, targeting tablet and mobile device viewers in Bangkok.

By the campaign’s end, Taboola video generated additional engagement alongside the campaign’s current social media ads, which led to massive campaign scale.

Well, the results are in. Native video ads increased the impact of advertising campaigns in three key areas.

What did Kantar find?

  • Brand awareness improved by 26% when native video ads were added to the marketing mix.
  • Exposure to native video ads boosted favorability, consideration, and brand image.
  • Native video drove even higher engagement when combined with other video marketing channels, like social and streaming platforms.

So, if you’re using social and streaming video ads to promote your brand, but you haven’t tried native video yet, now is the time. Diversify your marketing mix with Taboola video ads and achieve better engagement across channels. Your metrics will thank you.

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