
Happy Purim from Taboola!

happy putim


Last week, Taboola’s Israeli office became a pretty amusing place. Upon entering the office, you were greeted by a pirate, a huge pink bunny, two Snow Whites and an entire soccer team.

Rest assured, we didn’t lose our minds… It was Purim, a fun-filled holiday that allows everyone’s inner child to come out, dress up in costumes and eat lots of candy.

Think Halloween minus the ghosts and boo-factor. Work went on as usual, but you gotta wonder: How can Snow White type code with those red gloves on?




Taboolars worldwide love to celebrate and any holiday is a good reason to do so. That’s why those of us in New York City indulged in a few yummy treats (that somewhat strange looking cookie is hamantaschen, a traditional triangular-shaped Purim treat filled with fruit):


Luckily, cookie overload never prevents us from recommending high-quality content!

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