
How Taboola is Honoring International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month Globally

How Taboola is Honoring International Women's Day and Women's History Month Globally

It’s officially US Women’s History Month! Throughout the month, accomplishments of women from our past and present will be celebrated — especially the contributions that are often overlooked. On March 8th, International Women’s Day (IWD), people from across the globe will advocate for a gender-equal world.

This year’s IWD theme is #BreakTheBias and Taboola is honored to take part in this collective initiative. We’ll be spreading awareness for a world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive.

In the US, we’ll be coming together to promote a world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination through virtual and in-person events.

In London, we’ll be hosting a lunch for female leaders in the publishing and advertising space, where we plan on collecting and compiling advice for other women starting in relevant industries. Our London office is also playing host to The Women in Programmatic Network’s IWD event, welcoming 200+ guests and speakers including the world’s first female fighter jet pilot.

Our virtual webinar in India, which is taking place on March 8th, International Women’s Day, will be a roundtable talk in partnership with the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI). Kalli Purie, Vice Chairperson of India Today Group, Monaz Todywalla, CEO of PHD Media, Priti Murthy, President of GroupM Services, and Suparna Singh, President of NDTV Group will discuss career development, breaking down barriers, and more. Anyone can register for ‘EmpowerHER: Women Leaders share their journeys.’ here.

Additionally, we’ll be partnering with Women in Tech on March 7th in Israel as part of our WOMMUNITY mentorship program. Women industry leaders (which are all Taboolars!) will be speaking about their experiences and empowering women who want to break into the field.

It’s important for women to empower other women. In doing so, we can help #BreaktheBias and bridge the divide for women in tech. When women see people who look like them in their desired industry, it encourages them to break barriers, too. Through our mentorship program, roundtable, and other global initiatives, we hope to inspire women and teens to start their own career journeys with confidence.

Ahead, read a few statistics about women in the workforce to inspire and empower you to pave your own work path.

Women account for 47.7% of the global workforce and hold 50.04% of all jobs in the US, according to Team Stage. Still, we are pushing for women to recognize their ability to do more than an entry-level job or unpaid labor. The future looks bright though as women continue to ask for more of what they deserve and push for equality.

We hope to move the needle, even more, this month with your participation and support! Follow Taboola on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to keep up with our initiatives in real-time.

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